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Irina Ianculescu

Hey, I'm Irina πŸ‘‹ and I work on go-to-market & product growth for B2B tech startups

What excites me is finding the best approach to user acquisition & growth, and making product and strategy work together to build predictable revenue. Find out more about me, how we can collaborate, and what I'm working on.

This is my platform for deconstructing and sharing learnings and ideas on startup marketing to spark the neurons and polish my work.

See everything I'm learning about marketing, product, growth, startups - shared openly πŸ‘‡

Recent Posts

Tactical vs strategic in marketing and growth

There’s a tactical and a strategic side of marketing and, similarly, there are tactical, pure executional founders and marketers and there are strategic thinkers. Being strategic comes down to asking the right questions From my experience, you want to be playing in the strategic field. And the difference lies

Why ads aren't the end all be all of growth for startups

The majority of startup founders and marketers often start with paid ads - search or social - as their first customer acquisition channels. This happens mostly due to the lack of marketing expertise and/or the cognitive bias of choosing channels they heard most often about - Facebook and Google.

Different startup stages require distinct marketing approaches

In startups, we get overwhelmed by the multitude of optionality when it comes to marketing tactics and strategies. While it's important to have a strategy in place, your startup stage will play a crucial role in determining what you should focus on marketing-wise. Usually, by stage I mean